Elevate Your Brand with Online Marketing & Design

What is the Voice for Your Business?

Did you know your business has a voice? Well, it does. The voice of your business represents the character and intent of your business. It is essentially the persona of your business and is revealed in all of your messaging to your audience. Today, I will use Hello Creative Group as an example for you to apply to your business.

Why Are You In Business?

Let me explain the reasons I formed Hello Creative Group to begin with.

Firstly, I wanted to rebrand my business to represent more of who I am now personally and professionally. I have evolved from being a graphic designer to a strategist for small business marketing with leanings toward coaching. Also, I wanted to have vivid and memorable colors because they are energizing and spark my creativity.

Secondly, I truly enjoy bringing people together and building community. There is not enough time in the day for me to learn everything I want to learn or to do everything I want to do. So, the next best solution is for me is to bring talented experts together to bring a project and vision to life. Working with others allows each of us to dream bigger together.

Thirdly, I want to test and optimize a virtual office fully utilizing technology to broaden opportunities to collaborate with others around the globe. I may be too optimistic, but, I believe being a virtual-based business will stimulate clever solutions to connect community, minimize costs, and offer a geographic freedom that is personally quite appealing.

Finally, I formed Hello Creative Group to push my expectations of myself both personally and professionally. What more am I made of? What new avenues are available to me? Can I really articulate my vision and release it to others to bring to life? To do this I must: let go of what I think I can or cannot do, step out of my comfort zone, trust my instincts, and reach beyond my current sphere of influence significantly.

Personal or Professional?

Mainly because I love what I do — I get to be creative for a living — my personal and professional life are intertwined and indiscernible from each other. This often happens with a small business.

I used to be quite shy when I was younger, and, still can be to this day. Yet, I know that when I have something to say, I don’t hesitate to find a way to voice it. Especially if the intention is to encourage and inspire others in some way — because it’s hard to do it all by yourself.

So, how do I discern between my personal comments and pull together all my reasons for starting Hello Creative Group into a cohesive voice? Is it strictly professional? or do I put more of me in there? or both? My instincts tell me that in my case I need both perspectives, because part of my messaging will be how to integrate your personal and professional goals.

What Topics Are Relevant?

I have been a small business owner for years and have learned a lot of what it takes to start, run, and market a small business. Getting the legal and financial aspects set up for your business are routine in that they are driven by the law and common business practices. Yet, what is most interesting is what it takes on a personal level to stay motivated and inspired to keep at it.

Am I an expert on all things small business? Nope. But, I will take the time to research and learn. So, my real life business experience is invaluable to building and marketing a business. I have to consistently be ready to learn, unlearn, and relearn how best to proceed and achieve. I have to test my bravery to launch even if it’s not perfect yet. (Ack! perfection is a killer!). I have to accept that 80% is the new 100%. And, that it is all a work-in-progress and a live experiment for the world to see.

If all the world is to have access to this experiment via the Internet, then I want to share and make it an interesting and inspiring spectacle. Actually, as I write this post I realize that the voice of Hello Creative Group is yet to be discovered…and, that’s okay.


So, that must be it, or, at least part of it. The voice and message will continue to unfold over time, but, the tone of Hello Creative Group will be that of encouragement, discovery, inspiration, educating, curiosity, connection, and community. All with the intent of revealing new meanings of prosperity through connection for each of us personally and professionally. My topics will be marketing, branding, building audiences, virtual office, staying motivated, and how they all relate to each other. Yay…I found my starting place!

Hello Creative Group | StartingIt’s Your Turn

To find the voice of your business begin with what inspired you to start your business. Consider what characteristics and topics you want to impart to your audience. Decide if you want to bring in your personal voice in the mix too.  Be open to updating the voice and message as your business evolves. Identifying the voice will enable you to connect with and maintain engagement opportunities with your customers.

I encourage you to find your voice to stand out and be heard. I look forward to hearing your voice and what you have to say.


© 2012 Hello Creative Group LLC


Bonnie Glendinning, Hello Creative Group Principal

About Bonnie Glendinning
Bonnie Glendinning is an entrepreneur, business owner, and internet marketing expert who consults with businesses how to build their brand online. She is the Principal of Hello Creative Group and Founder of Artmuse.com.


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